A Hybrid Scrubber Based on the SEM and the PicoBlaze for Artix-7 FPGAs in the COMET Read-out Electronics
Eitaro Hamada, Youichi Igarashi, Kazuki Ueno
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, in press 2024年12月
DOI 10.1109/TNS.2024.3510758 
Design and construction of the cylindrical drift chamber for the COMET Phase-I experiment
A. Sato, H. Yoshida, M. Moritsu, X. Jiang, Y. Kuno, H.-B. Li, W.-G. Li, Y. Matsuda, H. Miao, Y. Nakamura, Y. Nakatsugawa, Y. Nakazawa, S. Ohta, K. Okinaka, H. Sakamoto, M.L. Wong, T.S. Wong, C. Wu, T.-Y. Xing, T. Yamane, Y. Yuan, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z.-K. Zhang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,1069 (2024) 169926 2024年12月予定
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2024.169926
Particle identification using plastic scintillators in the COMET Phase-I experiment
Yuki Fujii, Ryoka Sasaki, Nicolas Chadeau, Thomas Clouvel, Sam Dekkers, Masaaki Higashide, Shion Kuribayashi, Satoshi Mihara, Alex Miles, Hajime Nishiguchi, Yoshi Uchida, Kenya Okabe, Kou Oishi, Kazuki Ueno
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,1067 (2024) 169665 2024年10月
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2024.169665
Development of Japanese-style cosmic-ray muon detector for outreach and education
K. Ueno, M. Shoji, M. Higashide, H. Iiyama, T. Ishikawa, T. Kin, A. Matsumoto, T. Nakamori, M. Ohtsuka, S. Takahashi and T. Yoshioka
Proceedings of Science 444, 1623 2024年9月
DOI 10.22323/1.444.1623
Online Machine-Learning-Based Event Selection for COMET Phase-I
Yuki Fujii, Masaki Miyataki, MyeongJae Lee, Yu Nakazawa, Liam Pinchbeck, Kazuki Ueno, and Hisataka Yoshida
Phys. Sci. Forum 2023, 8(1) 2023年8月
DOI 10.3390/psf2023008032 
FPGA-based detector with SiC sensing for real-time monitoring of muon beams: A preliminary report of the SCIBER-1 system in COMET Phase-α
Yoon Jongkwan, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Yowichi Fujita, Yoshinori Fukao, Eitaro Hamada, Tetsuichi Kishishita, Youichi Igarashi, Masayoshi Shoji, Kazuki Ueno
HEART '23: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies, (2023) 35-40 2023年7月
DOI 10.1145/3597031.3597037
The non-destructive investigation of a late antique knob bow fibula (Bügelknopffibel) from Kaiseraugst/CH using Muon Induced X-ray Emission (MIXE) 
Sayani Biswas, Isabel Megatli-Niebel, Lilian Raselli, Ronald Simke, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Nilesh Deokar, Matthias Elender, Lars Gerchow, Herbert Hess, Rustem Khasanov, Andreas Knecht, Hubertus Luetkens, Kazuhiko Ninomiya, Angela Papa, Thomas Prokscha, Peter Reiter, Akira Sato, Nathal Severijns, Toni Shiroka, Michael Seidlitz, Stergiani Marina Vogiatzi, Chennan Wang, Frederik Wauters, Nigel Warr, Alex Amato
Heritage Science volume 11, Article number: 43 (2023)  2023年3月
DOI 10.1186/s40494-023-00880-0
Non-Destructive Composition Identification for Mixtures of Iron Compounds Using a Chemical Environmental Effect on a Muon Capture Process 
Kazuhiko Ninomiya, Meito Kajino, Akihiro Nambu, Makoto Inagaki, Takuto Kudo, Akira Sato, Kentaro Terada, Atsushi Shinohara, Dai Tomono, Yoshitaka Kawashima, Yoichi Sakai, Tsutomu Takayama
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 95(12) 1769-1774 2022年12月
DOI 10.1246/bcsj.20220289
Vacuum-Compatible, Ultra-Thin-Wall Straw Tracker; Detector construction, Thinner straw R&D, and the brand-new graphite-straw development
H. Nishiguchi, H. Danielsson, E. Hamada, Y. Hashimoto, N. Kamei, S. Mihara, O. Osawa, J. Suzuki, Z. Tsamalaidze, N. Tsverava, K. Ueno, A. Volkov, K. Watanabe
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1042, (2022) 167373 2022年11月
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2022.167373
Multiple Coulomb scattering of muons in lithium hydride 
M. Bogomilov, R. Tsenov, G. Vankova-Kirilova, Y. P. Song, J. Y. Tang, Z. H. Li, R. Bertoni, M. Bonesini, F. Chignoli, R. Mazza, V. Palladino, A. De Bari, D. Orestano, L. Tortora, Y. Kuno, H. Sakamoto, A. Sato, S. Ishimoto, M. Chung, C. K. Sung, F. Filthaut, M. Fedorov, D. Jokovic, D. Maletic, M. Savic, N. Jovancevic, J. Nikolov, M. Vretenar, S. Ramberger, R. Asfandiyarov, A. Blondel, F. Drielsma, Y. Karadzhov, G. Charnley, N. Collomb, K. Dumbell, A. Gallagher, A. Grant, S. Griffiths, T. Hartnett, B. Martlew, A. Moss, A. Muir, I. Mullacrane, A. Oates, P. Owens, G. Stokes, P. Warburton, C. White, D. Adams, V. Bayliss, J. Boehm, T. W. Bradshaw, C. Brown, M. Courthold, J. Govans, M. Hills, J. B. Lagrange, C. Macwaters, A. Nichols, R. Preece, S. Ricciardi, C. Rogers, T. Stanley, J. Tarrant, M. Tucker, S. Watson, A. Wilson, R. Bayes, J. C. Nugent, F. J.P. Soler, R. Gamet, P. Cooke, V. J. Blackmore, D. Colling, A. Dobbs, P. Dornan, P. Franchini, C. Hunt, P. B. Jurj, A. Kurup, K. Long, J. Martyniak, S. Middleton, J. Pasternak, M. A. Uchida, J. H. Cobb, C. N. Booth, P. Hodgson, J. Langlands, E. Overton, V. Pec, P. J. Smith, S. Wilbur, G. T. Chatzitheodoridis, A. J. Dick, K. Ronald, C. G. Whyte, A. R. Young, S. Boyd
Physical Review D 106(9) 2022年11月
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.092003
Measurement of proton, deuteron, triton, and alpha particle emission after nuclear muon capture on Al, Si, and Ti with the AlCap experiment 
Andrew Edmonds, John Quirk, Ming-Liang Wong, Damien Alexander, Robert H. Bernstein, Aji Daniel, Eleonora Diociaiuti, Raffaella Donghia, Ewen L. Gillies, Ed V. Hungerford, Peter Kammel, Benjamin E. Krikler, Yoshitaka Kuno, Mark Lancaster, R. Phillip Litchfield, James P. Miller, Anthony Palladino, Jose Repond, Akira Sato, Ivano Sarra, Stefano Roberto Soleti, Vladimir Tishchenko, Nam H. Tran, Yoshi Uchida, Peter Winter, Chen Wu
Physical Review C 105(3) 035501 2022年3月
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.035501 
Detector Systems Development for Inter-Bunch Extinction Measurements at the 8 GeV Slow Extracted Pulsed Proton Beam for the COMET Experiment at J-PARC
K. Oishi, Y. Fujii, Y. Fukao, Y. Higuchi, R. Honda, Y. Igarashi, F. Ikeda, Y. Nakazawa, H. Nishiguchi, K. Noguchi, M. Shoji, K. Ueno and H. Yoshida
Proceedings of Science 402, 216 2022年3月
DOI 10.22323/1.402.0216
Extinction Measurement at J-PARC MR with Slow-Extracted Pulsed Proton Beam for COMET Experiment
Noguchi Kyohei, Yuki Fujii, Yoshinori Fukao, Yoshinori Hashimoto, Yuya Higuchi, Ryotaro Honda, Yoichi Igarashi, Fumihito Ikeda, Satoshi Mihara, Ryotaro Muto, Yu Nakazawa, Hajime Nishiguchi, Kou Oishi, Masayoshi Shoji, Fumihiko Tamura, Junji Tojo, Masahito Tomizawa, Kazuki Ueno, Hisataka Yoshida
Proceedings of Science 402, 104 2022年3月
DOI 10.22323/1.402.0104
Gigabit Ethernet Daisy-Chain on FPGA for COMET Read-out Electronics
Eitaro Hamada, Yuki Fujii, Youichi Igarashi, Masahiro Ikeno, Satoshi Mihara, Hajime Nishiguchi, Kou Oishi, Tomohisa Uchida, Kazuki Ueno, Hiroshi Yamaguchi
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 68(2021)pp.1968-1975 2021年5月
DOI 10.1109/TNS.2021.3085100
An FPGA Based Trigger System With Online Track Recognition in COMET Phase-I
Yu Nakazawa, Yuki Fujii, Masahiro Ikeno, Yoshitaka Kuno, MyeongJae Lee, Satoshi Mihara, Masayoshi Shoji, Tomohisa Uchida, Kazuki Ueno, and Hisataka Yoshida
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 68 (2021) pp.2028-2034 2021年5月
DOI 10.1109/TNS.2021.3084624
Radiation Tolerance of Online Trigger System for COMET Phase-I
Sam Dekkers, Yu Nakazawa, Yuki Fujii, Hisataka Yoshida, Ting Sam Wong, Kazuki Ueno, and Jordan Nash
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science , 68 (2021) pp.2020-2027 2021年5月
DOI 10.1109/TNS.2021.3084961
Development of a multiwire proportional chamber with good tolerance to burst hits 
N. Teshima, M. Aoki, Y. Higashino, H. Ikeuchi, K. Komukai, D. Nagao, Y. Nakatsugawa, H. Natori, Y. Seiya, N.M. Truong, K. Yamamoto
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 999 165228 - 165228 2021年5月
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2021.165228
Status on the StrECal System for COMET Phase-I
K.Ueno for the COMET collaboration
JPS Conf. Proc. 33, 011122 (2021) 2021年3月
DOI 10.7566/JPSCP.33.011122
Search for three body pion decays π+→l+νX 
A. Aguilar-Arevalo, M. Aoki, M. Blecher, D.I. Britton, D. vom Bruch, D.A. Bryman, S. Chen, J. Comfort, S. Cuen-Rochin, L. Doria, P. Gumplinger, A. Hussein, Y. Igarashi, S. Ito, S. Kettell, L. Kurchaninov, L.S. Littenberg, C. Malbrunot, R.E. Mischke, T. Numao, D. Protopopescu, A. Sher, T. Sullivan, D. Vavilov
Physical Review D 103(5) 2021年3月16日
DOI 10.1103/physrevd.103.052006
Search for the rare decays π+→μ+νμνν¯ and π+→e+νeνν¯
A. Aguilar-Arevalo, M. Aoki, M. Blecher, D.I. Britton, D. vom Bruch, D.A. Bryman, S. Chen, J. Comfort, S. Cuen-Rochin, L. Doria, P. Gumplinger, A. Hussein, Y. Igarashi, S. Ito, S. Kettell, L. Kurchaninov, L.S. Littenberg, C. Malbrunot, R.E. Mischke, T. Numao, D. Protopopescu, A. Sher, T. Sullivan, D. Vavilov, D. Gorbunov, D. Kalashnikov
Physical Review D 102(1) 2020年7月1日
DOI 10.1103/physrevd.102.012001
Improved search for two body muon decay μ+→e+XH 
A. Aguilar-Arevalo, M. Aoki, M. Blecher, D.I. Britton, D. vom Bruch, D.A. Bryman, S. Chen, J. Comfort, S. Cuen-Rochin, L. Doria, P. Gumplinger, A. Hussein, Y. Igarashi, S. Ito, S. Kettell, L. Kurchaninov, L.S. Littenberg, C. Malbrunot, R.E. Mischke, T. Numao, D. Protopopescu, A. Sher, T. Sullivan, D. Vavilov
Physical Review D 101(5) 2020年3月31日
DOI 10.1103/physrevd.101.052014
Radiation hardness study for the COMET Phase-I electronics
Yu Nakazawa, Yuki Fujii, Ewen Gillies, Eitaro Hamada, Youichi Igarashi, MyeongJae Lee, Manabu Moritsu, Yugo Matsuda, Yuta Miyazaki, Yuki Nakai, Hiroaki Natori, Kou Oishi, Akira Sato, Yoshi Uchida, Kazuki Ueno, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, BeomKi Yeo, Hisataka Yoshida, Jie Zhang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 955 (2020) 163247 2020年3月
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2019.163247